Explore the Many Benefits of Pranayama

Pranayama has lots of benefits to increase lung capacity, breathe better, learn relaxation techniques, etc. For this reason, for millennia, it has been practiced as a fundamental part of Yoga. What is Pranayama? The Pranayama is the set of breathing techniques in the practice of Yoga, which aims to control what the tradition of Yoga called prank in Sanskrit, and referring to cosmic energy. There are three types of breathing, which we will later develop, and they are: abdominal, thoracic and clavicular breathing. When they all meet effectively we talk about complete breathing. Pranayama techniques are the ways in which breathing is trained, and are divided into major and minor Pranayama techniques. We will also develop them. Pranayama meaning There is some confusion when speaking about the meaning of Pranayama, because some people only take into account the etymological meaning and forget the mea...