The Incredible Significance of Yoga for Students
Originating in ancient India, yoga is a set of spiritual practices. One of the six orthodox schools of ancient Indian philosophical traditions is yoga. Yoga is of varied groups in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism. Yoga dates back to the pre- Vedic Indian traditions and developed around 5th and 6th centuries BCE. In the latter part of the twentieth century, yoga became a popular system of physical exercise in the western world. Studies suggest that yoga acts as an intervention to cancer, schizophrenia, asthma and heart-related diseases.
● Yoga provides peace of mind, and when the mind is at peace, the concentration power increases and in turn sharpens our brain.
● Students are always overburdened with the pressure of studies and therefore they have a tendency to get weak. Yoga helps in keeping both the body and mind strong and fresh.
● Yoga having many health benefits, as proven, helps reduce the hypertension of students, which in turn acts as a contraceptive to various other diseases.
● Practicing yoga helps stretch muscles, thus, regular practice of yoga can help weight reduction and control obesity, which is very common among students now.
● Yoga also keeps brain muscles active thus keeping students relaxed and free of stress.
● Yoga helps to enhance the memory of the students.
● Yoga involves meditation, the seed of concentration. A student who is regular at practicing yoga would always remain calm and at peace.
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